Patrick Terry
Simply Put- Antionne is the real deal. I’ve never met anyone that can offer the complete package no matter what your goal is. Whether your goal is to lose weight, to become an elite athlete or train for a specific sport – he will develop a very specific program just for you. For me personally – I have the honor of being one of the few Krav Maga Black Belts in this country. I had very specific needs to prepare for a very long and laborious testing weekend. I was among the oldest to be training and testing at this level and I was also very overweight when I started this latest round of training. In 5 months, I lost over 50 pounds, was stronger and more powerful than I’ve ever been, my nutrition was perfect, and I passed my test! Antionne developed a program for me that I enabled me to achieve this lofty goal and do it while maintaining a very busy life style.
There are many personal trainers that can be found in almost any gym. However, there are very few that truly walk the walk. Antionne has a unique infectious personality. There is no question that if you listen and follow his plan – you WILL meet your goal. And you can trust he will hold you accountable.
A true inspiration, superb athlete, nutritionist, strength coach, motivator, accountability partner, and a friend. He is not satisfied with you simply reaching your goals – he expects you to exceed them and then set new ones for yourself. And he will be there to help you! I would recommend Antionne to anyone who is serious about their health and fitness goals.
-Patrick Terry
Krav Maga Black Belt
Owner Mid-South Krav Maga

Jacob Clifton Uthe
Coming to Antionne in May of 2012, I was seeking someone who would guide me into my first Men's Physique competition. Before that, competing had been on my mind for awhile. Since 2009 I have been pushing myself to the limit to make myself better, so I was ready to take up the challenge.
"Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved." -Helen Keller
Seeking out Antionne was probably one of the best decisions I have ever made. He has provided me with so much knowledge and motivation over these many months. Seeing my body change and develop because of all that hard work I put in made it all worth it. Something that Antionne told me really motivated me and put things in to perspective…"It never gets easier, You just get better". Once you are in that mindset, nothing can stop you from being successful.
The feeling of being on stage after putting in all that time and hard work, being so respected by all the other athletes, and bringing home some hardware made it worth all those days of being sore and tired. Antionne was right when he said "You will fall in love with this sport". My journey isn't over, it has just begun and it will only get better from here.
With that said, you have to want it bad, not just kind of want it. Whether it may be your fitness goals, your aspirations, or that thing you want so badly. It's never going to be easy....because if it was then everyone would do it. Stay motivated and strive for the best you can be in whatever it is you want to be. Remember we only have this one life and tomorrow is never promised. Bottom line is work hard. Everyday is a blessing.